Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Toe Up sock progress

Well after many false starts, these socks are finally going along smoothly. Holy Cats were they quite the challenge, my cousin and I spent 2 full Sundays piddling with these socks trying to get them started. Then I still went home without them on the needles. I managed to get them going the following Monday. Whew! I think I have it mastered now, at least till I get to the heels ; )
Anyway since I mentioned them yesterday, I thought I would share. I am quite proud of them really, as I hand dyed this yarn myself! Yes the yarn started out a natural white and I dyed it with my guild group. Very Cool, Huh?
I am feeling very accomplished this year, with all of the new things I have learned.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Next Fiber Please...

Having so much fun with my wheel, that I have finished off the green fiber and have begun on some wool I just purchase last weekend at Joanne's in Pelican Rapids MN.
It is a lovely light grey heathery fiber. I am adding little bits of blue to it here and there.
Planning to use this for the main color of a large bag.
I love the color, so natural and soft.

The fiber came in a nice big 1 lb ball, pictured next to my wheel, also a shot of the begun bobbin.

OH yeah and my 2 at once socks are coming along splendidly! Can hardly wait to finish them.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

It's Here!

My wheel is here and I have already spun on it. I don't have the hang of keeping it all even, but that will come.
It's very fun and I can see myself, spinning, spinning, spinning myself silly.
I plan to make a felted purse with this green and some blue, and purple.
So here is a look at my first yarn and my beautiful wheel.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I think there could be a problem here...

HMMM, several of my groups, have suggested we show pictures of our fiber stash. Well thinking I didn't have much of a stash before, but realize differently now. I have acquired quite a bit of fiber, in just this last week.
I think I had better be careful here. This could be a very slippery slope. What have I gotten myself into? It is a little hard to see the fiber as the picture came out kind of dark, but the space of the entertainment center where the stash is sitting is 5 Ft wide, so you can get an idea of the space it is in. Scary huh??? I am supposed to be saving my pennies to buy a big screen TV for the new entertainment center, but hey the fiber looks good there. Do you think my hubby would mind???
Oh yeah then of coarse I forgot about the XL Ziploc bag of fiber in the basement.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I can't believe my eyes!

This was sooooo much fun. I am completely hooked on dying. It is tons of fun to see what happens when you experiment. I am wishing that the turquoise color had been green, but I didn't have any green dye powder and just added colors that I had straight from the jar. I was a bit afraid to start mixing colors, since I have not dyed much before. But with these lovely colors, I don't think I will be afraid anymore. They seem magical. I still might tear the blue section out and slap in some green. I was hoping the blue, would have been more of a denim blue. Here we have a front and back shot and one all twisted up. I just love what happens when you twist the colors all together.
Now to find out what happens when I attempt to make yarn!