Sunday, May 21, 2006

Support Dolls

I made 18 fun support dolls for a custom order. Each one is slightly different and unique. They are a twist off, from my original friendship doll idea. This little doll has it's arms outstretched in a warm embrace. The perfect way to send a hug to a loved one. A fun way to remember and support that special service man or woman.
If you would like one, feel free to contact me. I can personalize your doll with whatever you like.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Knit 1 Purl 2

Well I have had a busy, busy, busy weekend. I finished making 18 little friendship dolls that are for a custom order. Whew, glad they are done now. I planted the vegetable garden and a few flowers. Great to have that done also. Did a little crafty shopping ; )
Spray painted an iron bed and did this fun collage for a new weekly Challenge.
(Try It Tuesday)
The technique was a fun acrylic painted background. Not sure mine turned out as it was intended?
But I do like the background and had a bunch of fun creating this collage.
It is based on my current obsession to learn about everything Knitting.
The canvas size is 8X10

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mom's are Great!

If you are a mom take a bow! Have a wonderful Mother's day weekend!

I intend to knit the weekend away. Perhaps make a few ATC's and maybe some beading!
I am hoping for a yarn gift certificate for a giftie ; )
I was scheduled to take a wool spinning class tomorrow and it has been canceled boo hoo.

I am working on my second tote project and have a third smaller purse on the blackboard.
It is very fun and satisfying.

I have no new artwork to show today but hope to make some fun note pads soon. Maybe this will inspire me to get crackin. I have so many projects I want to do it is ridiculous!

I am having some wrist troubles these days and I sure hope that it settles down because I would hate to have to quit my crafting.

My Etsy store is not booming with business, so if you are reading and want to help me out, you can pass the word along. There is a link to the right.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Knitting has me dreaming

WOW, this has turned out to be the coolest new adventure. I am already completely hooked.
I want to knit everything. What a fun hobby. It will be nice to tote a project around to ball games this summer.

It has only been about a month since my first class and I have knitted a scarf and a felted bag to carry my knitting projects around in. I have already signed up for another class as well. Will make another felted tote, then I want to do some felted slippers, and socks and sweaters and, and, and...

I am dreaming of spinning my own yarn as well. I have seen the most wonderfully lovely handspun, hand-dyed yarns on Etsy. I want to create some fun fibers.
Also the spinning wheels are so unique looking. Would fit perfectly into my Americana decor.
I have signed up for a class about spinning wool through the community ed. Should be interesting.

Pictures of scarf and purse to follow: