Saturday, April 07, 2007

Sorry Fiber Folks

I was sucked into a project of another kind this week so there will be no fibery goodness to share but hopefully you will all enjoy this form of art entertainment.
A friend of mine asked me to make a collage for a book cover, she intends to give as a gift. The recipient has recently discovered canoeing and the book will be pertaining to that.

I struggled a bit with this project as collage is a very individual thing, sometimes difficult to appreciate, and I was aware of that the whole time I was working on it. I can have an odd sense of humor when creating collage, but this theme did not lead me in that direction, so I hope I am safe and it will be well received.
Also Collage can be difficult when working with a subject that you haven't chosen yourself. For me anyway, I must let the collage sort of speak to me and build it's self. I did struggle with this one as it wasn't talking to me much ; ) I am not perfectly happy with it's outcome, but at the same time, not hating it either. I am always pretty critical of my own art, but on the other hand, I will often be so tickled with my bizarre outcomes that I must drag everyone in the house to my studio, to admire my handy work. That didn't happen with this piece : (

So feel free to tell me what you think of it.
Front Cover
Back Cover
Total Collage


Blogger Guinifer said...

I love your collage - very stunning.

3:29 PM  

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