Sunday, January 28, 2007

Silk Trash

WOWSA I am having fun. I am such a newbie spinner and have not experienced a lot of different fibers. Average wool and Mohair, to be exact. This new wool/silk blend is quite exciting to me. What is making it so fun to spin, is the fact that the silk trash makes it very easy for me to except and love the slubs. They just sort of spin into nice little blobs of silky color.

Gosh, I am so technical, aren't I?

What is the fiber you ask?
Well, I recently ordered from
I had a specific project in mind; somehow I accidentally got the wrong color, but so happy I did.

I ordered this:

They sent the blue version instead. I love the color and I love the slubby silk bits thrown into it. As of right now, I am planning to ply it with the pink and teal BFL that I recently spun and I think I will make the Fuzzy Feet Pattern from Knitty.

We will see, when all is said and done.
But now I will most certainly make another order for the black and may even have to have the green also ; )

I have also been inspired to call my mother up and tell her not to throw away any silk trash from her cross stitch projects. I will hopefully acquire a nice little stash of silk threads I can throw into my own fiber. FUN, FUN, FUN!


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