Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Ben

Well today would have been Ben Franklin's 300th birthday! So lets celebrate!!!

How do I know this you ask? Well I received a Zetti altered book in the mail today. I will be working on it in the near future. The theme is famous or notorious Zettian's of history.
Well when the book arrived TODAY and I looked it over, an idea for a spread about Ben Franklin popped into my Zetti mind. I started to look for a little info on Ben and I discovered today is his birthday.
Yes he was born on Jan. 17th, 1706. How cool is that and it seems it must be fate that I would choose Ben Franklin for my book plans ; )

I am heavily involved in my second art doll and lucky for me I am short on beads so I must take a break from that. Otherwise I might not be able to tear myself away long enough to work on altered books.
I have decided that my new Red doll's name will be "Rebellious". She is everything that the sweet little Frolic wasn't ; )

No time for pictures tonight, but perhaps in the morning, I can share some progress.
But I did think it was important I share with you all, about Ben's birthday today.


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