This is my first entry for the "Every Day Matters" Yahoo group. I am pretty happy with how this turned out because I have such a terrible time drawing more than one object in connection to one another. I also have a hard time getting my objects to look right when I draw from real life and not a photo. It is a bit kitty wampus but I think I got the handles and spouts coming out of the main object properly? I should have centered the whole thing a bit better, as then I wouldn't have run off the side, but that is just charm, right?
I intend to add a bit of color to this and hopefully not ruin it in the process. But that is why I wanted to document it now, just in case ; )
You know this might make a pretty nice gift card if you printed it out and glued it to some card stock. I like it. In fact, I'll bet you could print out a whole series, a dozen or more, and make a bunch of nice gift cards with this image. Whadya' think?
Sketches and Stuff
Hi T,
Well done! I think you did a great job with these. :o)
Great work Tina.
I love it with the colour.
I like the colored one best, too--keep going, you're doing fine!
Well Jim you flatter me. I am not sure about making gift cards? I had better just work on my skills and confidence level first. But thanks for the wonderful boost today.
I like the color one best also, thanks Shelly, Terri, and Nita.
Nice sketch Tina! I like the colored one best too.
Nice sketches. I think Jim is right-they would make cute country cards. I love teapots also. You have given me another idea.
I am also from the midwest-Wis. Maybe we are neighbors.
Teri, I am from MN. So neighbors certainly, but not very close ones ; )
Can't wait to see your idea.
This is so friendly and fun! (I love teapots, also.) And don't worry about it being off center -- most people would say that's better than right in the middle!
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