Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Run for your Lives

Yikes, I like to be in bed by 10:00 on week nights. Another wild day in a wild week. Furnace install preparations have begun. We will be installing a new furnace beginning tomorrow. So clean up and moving things around took place today. A MESS to say the least. OK, get this, my dad is going to install the furnace. He is just a regular kind of guy who knows how to do everything.
But I remember as a child my father doing a furnace job at our house and he almost blew up the house ; ) Yes, the furnace tech was there and they were in clean up mode and the furnace tech wants to vacuum out the left over fuel oil. Dear old Dad says "I will just light it and burn it off"
Can you say run for your lives! Fire was shooting out of the chimney! And the neighbors were gathering around wondering what in the world was going on. Yes, I did say my father was going to be doing this furnace install for us. Well what can I say, he is going to save us a thousand dollars and hopefully he has learned a thing or two. hehehe
We had church directory pictures taken tonight and I am very pleased with how they came out. Will share them at a later date, after we get them back.
I just now finished the Zodiac Goddess swap that needs to get in the mail tomorrow!
Here is my version of a Leo Goddess.


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