Monday, August 08, 2005

Out with the Old, in with the New

Well it was the start of another wild week. School is approaching soon so that means tons of back to school appointments and errands. Today I checked on sports physicals, called the school for schedule info, sorted out kids old clothes for school. Out with the old and in with the new. Sent DD to the optometrist to get glasses fixed. Hubby had an oral surgery today and I nearly effixiated myself in the garage varnishing 2 solid oak doors.
Some days just seem hectic! But I am still going.... Went shopping after supper and got all the school clothes except one pair of shoes bought! Yippee.
I even managed a smidge of artwork today. I printed out the overlay for A Zodiac swap I am doing, and got one prototype done. Leo Goddess this month. It is my month so it has been a fun one. I will get the cards assembled tomorrow for sure, was hoping for today because they are due to the hostess by the 15th. I am cutting it close. I also did get that altered book project packaged and ready to go out in the mail with hubby tomorrow. Yippee, that RR is now done!
Just going to bed to lay my head down and recoup before a new day tomorrow. Church directory pictures! Yippee!
Nighty night.


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