Gosh I need an art fix! I am wiped out emotionally again tonight. Furnace frustrations going on again. Why can't things just go smoothly? The money keeps trickling out. My father was his usual critical self today. Seems no matter how good I think I am doing, it is never good enough. Today, it was the condition of our broken down house. He couldn't live like this he says! Well you know what, he doesn't have to and not everyone has to have everything as perfect as he likes it. If he would ever be proud of me for being a good mother, who doesn't smoke, or drink.... Or the fact that we are saving monthly for our kids college education, that we are investing in our daughters education now, that we are saving for our own retirement. That we don't spend money on lavish extravagances. We are quite thrifty in fact. We buy used furniture, clothing and we are able to pay cash for our home remodel projects. We paid cash for our son's braces... Sure we may not be making the same money choices as he would, but that doesn't make us wrong. We make choices based on our needs at the time. Sometimes getting things you want is a deserved reward. It is the rewards that make struggling along day by day bearable. Sometimes other things just need to wait! What I really want from my dad is for him to be proud of me and to tell me so on occaision. Yes I know you may be reading this dad and if so, then you know how you make me feel. Maybe it will make a difference.
On another note, my sweet little dog smidgie got Spayed today and I was on pins and needles all day. We had a bad surgery experience in the past with our other Shih Tzu. I got my baby home by about 4 and she was very tired and was a little agitated whimpering. I was told to give her a pain killer tonight and shortly after I did that, she had a bad allergic reaction. She was rubbing her face frantically on the carpet and whimpering some more. When I looked at her face, her eyes were nearly swelled shut. I tried to call the clinic, but no answer. There was a message giving a number to call of emergencies only. So here I sit, wondering if my poor dog is going to stop breathing from the reaction. I didn't call and continued to hold her so I could keep a close eye on her. She seems better now, but she is sleeping. I hope she will sleep through the night OK and I will call the vet in the morning before I give her another pill.
Daycare kids have not been sleeping well with all the work going on and they continue to give me a workout. So no artwork again today. I am hoping tomorrow I will get some time, my boys are all going to a football draft! That leaves me home alone.
I hope I can get a good night sleep with my little dog, Nightie Night all.
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