Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Is the thermostat set too high?

I am not talking about the furnace now. I seem to be having one of my hot flash sessions. Sorry if that is too much information ; ) Heck if my internal thermostat doesn't start to cool down, I may not even need the new furnace this winter! It was a perfect kind of day today, a wonderful cool breeze blowing, in the 70's and fairly quiet all around. I had no wild schedules to keep me running, the kids went to their own school orientations and I squeezed in a bit of art here and there.

Dad was here for a bit working on some wiring for the furnace. It is looking so neat and tidy compared to the mess we had down there before. We are getting so close to being done now. I know I keep saying that, but it is true. I was able to give the oak doors a light sand and I filled a few nail holes on the door Jam's. Tomorrow, I will be able to give a bit of varnish to them and the doors should be able to be hung by the weekend. I also hope to varnish down the oak trim on the staircase. I am on a roll! Lots getting done.
One of my daycare mom's brought us some sweet corn for supper. It was so succulent, sweet and Yummy. Our first corn of the year. Probably our only!

Well I worked with several bits and pieces in the art room today, but only one card came together completely. It is a different kind of art, in that, it is the kind that just happens. The card began with a fun phrase I stumbled upon and then the images just fell into place. My overheating problem even had a bit of a play in this card. I especially like this kind of art because it makes people think. I even continue to mull it over and rethink it.
So here is something to think about.


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