Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hanging from Strings

I am physically and emotionally exhausted! The kids were absolutely crazy and crabby today. Made me crazy to boot! It rained pretty much all day. Some pretty nasty thunder storms! That could explain the moods. I had been preparing myself to varnish the door jam's all day and it was weighing heavy on me. I did force myself to get it done and now I feel good about it.
I just can't stand that job. My dad thinks I should do all the woodwork in the whole house. I must admit it needs it terribly. It is all dull and dried out. Still waiting on that final furnace inspection. I guess Monday is the day now?
Hubby is bummed as he missed out on another truck he was interested in. Called about our airline tickets for our Vacation in Oct. We are a bit worried about the flight because of the current strike. Neither hubby or I have ever flown before! Life just seems up in the air right now. Lots of things seem to be Hanging from Strings...

After supper I ran a few errands with hubby, I always enjoy that time with him. He is organizing his work bench in the basement; we were on the hunt for a storage container for all his nuts, bolts, screws and nails. We found the perfect thing at Walmart, but there was only one and it was broken! That is the way it always happens for us! I am so thankful tomorrow is Friday! Even though I have a busy weekend planned.
I created one card today, and was itching to do more, but no time. Gosh if I had my way, I know I could spend days at a time in my art studio.
Today's card is titled "Hanging from Strings" It is intended to be a political statement.


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